Does your company spend countless hours, days, weeks, or even months debating topics?
Does building consensus between key stakeholders feel like pulling teeth?
Does consensus feel temporary and easily dissolve as soon as action is required or as some time passes?
Does it feel like there are just too many moving parts, complex interacting components, and not enough resources to go around?
Many of these things are rooted in fundamental problems like business strategic clarity, product strategy clarity, high-quality senior leadership, and more.
But it's also rooted in the absence of a key cultural trait - "Bias toward action."
Everyone at your company should feel a lots of discomfort if they're not "moving fast and breaking things".
This phrase has lost favor in recent years. People have come to see it as reckless. But that's nonsense. Most companies are the opposite of reckless - they are mired in indecision and angst. They need a good jolt, and they need to rebalance their behavior towards the "breaking things" end of the spectrum.
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