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My Goals for 2020

Added on by Guest User.

My resolutions are still the same from 4 years ago.

With the addition of some goals for 2020

1. Find a city and a home to live in for the next ~10 years

2. Make a positive impact on some great founders and companies through advisory and investment

3. Continue to make my wife smile and laugh


And from 4 Years ago…

What are your new years resolutions?

Mine are the same resolutions/goals I strive for every day and every year (and mostly fail):

1. Work towards becoming a better person: More wise (by the technical definition: being able to deftly apply knowledge/experience in context), more patient, more effective, more content, more helpful, and ultimately more successful at achieving my goals.

2. To gather the best answers I can find to life's many questions - both large and small.

3. To make a big, lasting and positive impact on the people around me and ultimately the world.

How about you?

Originally posted on Facebook


Totally Different Direction

Added on by Guest User.

"A woman is watching the news on TV and they are reporting live from a helicopter about a man driving down the highway going the wrong way. All the other cars are swerving all over the place trying to avoid hitting this guy.

She calls her husband to warn him as he knows that he travels on that highway at this time.

She says to him, "There's this crazy driver on the highway going the wrong direction."

He replies emphatically, "Just one, hell there's a whole bunch of them going the wrong way.""

If you're the only one going in a totally different direction to everyone else, are you prescient or deluded?

Based on probabilities, it's very likely the latter.

Originally posted on Facebook


Happy Birthday SCOBLEIZER!

Added on by Guest User.

Some 10 years ago I came to SF/Bay area for the first time. There were a few very visible people who were blogging and posting videos that I really looked up to and was eager to meet.

When I met them, though, many of them let me down or didn't have the time of day for me. Understandable right?

When I first met Robert he was racing from one side of a crowded room to another to meet up with someone. I managed to catch his eye to try to say hi. He had no idea who I was. He had no reason to. He was super busy. Everyone was trying to get his attention.

But rather than give me a wave and keep running by; he stopped, squared up, looked at me properly and said hi and gave me lots of his time. Once he had made a real effort to make a real connection. He then ran off to meet the person he actually wanted to meet.

He was amongst those few people who really lived up to his online persona - a man of the people. He also taught me something that day... how to be a great person even when you're swamped. I think of that experience every time I feel too busy to meet someone new.

Since then, I've had the pleasure to develop a friendship with Robert and he has continued to lead by example sharing his very personal, flawed and sometimes epicly cool adventure with all of us. I also dearly love his wife Maryam. Wonderful, wonderful people.

Happy Birthday SCOBLEIZER. You're a true legend and you are properly loved by a lot of people. I'm sorry I couldn't make your birthday celebration but I know that, as usual, you made it a lot of fun for everyone *else* - and that's what makes you truly special!

Love you my friend!

Originally posted on Facebook