Product & Startup Builder

Remember: Sales is a trailing indicator of Product Market Fit and success.

Added on by Chris Saad.

As a go-to-market team at a well-run growth company you also need…

1. 30 Day Active users

2. Average engagements per month per Active User (whatever engagement looks like for you)

For each, you want to see a line chart over 12 months or so.

You want to see each of these numbers going up and to the right each month.

For a complete picture of growth, you should also consider a funnel analysis for the New User journey.

Something like this...

Potential new user clicks and Ad -> Potential new user hits Signup Button -> Signups -> First key engagement -> First repeat engagement.

This will allow you to see where Users are getting stuck.

The product team should have a FAR more detailed version of this funnel analysis showing every single step of signup, first engagement, and retention to figure out how they might optimize the funnel.

The proper use of team strategy offsites (Hint: It's NOT to make strategies)

Added on by Chris Saad.

Big strategy offsites with leadership teams are often used to develop big important strategies for companies.

This is typically a flawed approach.

These offsites often produce long laundry lists of items that everyone believes need to be addressed. The inevitable outcome is that someone organizes the chaos into categories and calls it a “strategy.”

Strategy is as much about what you won’t do as what you will do.

In my experience, big strategy offsites are useful for two distinct purposes (these should not be combined in the same offsite):

1. A leader can gather a wide range of raw ideas, which should undergo extensive consideration and pruning (separate from the offsite) before being formed into any kind of strategy.

2. A leader can socialize a roughly pre-defined strategy with their team for debate, final refinement, and buy-in. The intention is for the strategy to be operationalized immediately after the offsite.

In both cases, however, there is so much that can go wrong.

Here are a couple of tips to minimize bad outcomes:

1. Ensure there are one or two people with clear discipline, taste, judgment, and knowledge of modern comparables from successful companies. This can be the difference between a successful offsite and a giant talk fest.

2. Be cautious about piecing together ideas and insights from "comparable" companies. Often, a) the companies are not truly comparable, b) piecing together different strategies from different companies with very different strategies can result in a confused outcome for your company, and/or c) you can learn the wrong lessons from those companies. Any combination of these things can be disastrous.

You must be consistent across your strategy and reason from first principles.

A playbook to win ALL the customers

Added on by Chris Saad.

A classic Product + GTM mistake is going after “all the customers” simultaneously.

Each segment wants something different. Sometimes, the differences are very, very subtle. Sometimes, they are really obvious. However, in all cases, the different requirements take time and money to implement well (both in Product and in GTM).

So, if you try to sell to every segment, your team will be thrashed with never-ending random requirements, your product will never be polished, and you will never build something great that wins in its category. You’ll be spinning your wheels.

If you sell to one narrowly defined segment at a time, you will hit your sales targets while giving your product team enough time and space to polish what they have - ensuring that your product will become a category leader at scale.

Here's how you do it.

Answer the following 2 questions...

Question 1. What is the embarrassingly narrow target segment we want to win - this segment should have 2 characteristics 

a) Mostly satisfied by your product *as is*.

b) Large enough Total Addressable Market within the segment that you have room to hit your growth/sales targets (assuming you successfully penetrate the segment).

Question 2. What will it take to accelerate and de-risk winning as much of that segment as possible as quickly as possible? This will require changes to your go-to-market strategy and tactics as well as careful refinement of your product roadmap.

Questions you do NOT need to answer...

1.  What’s the largest TAM? The largest TAM is not necessarily accessible to your product in the short term.

2. Where are opportunities to grow? There are opportunities EVERYWHERE. The question is which opportunities are available to you RIGHT NOW.

3. Relative market sizing of a particular segment vs. any other particular segment. You are eventually going to go after EVERY segment - you just need to get them in a methodical way - one after the other.

Success looks like...

1. An exhaustive list of narrowly defined segments  - along with their unique requirements.

2. Those same segments plotted out on a roadmap (an ordered list mapped out over time) - you want to be working from one segment to the next to the next, each time just adding 1 or 2 features to unlock the next adjacent segment.

3. A fully aligned team (especially product and GTM) that is working from the same definitions and roadmap of segments.


You might be selling a transport solution that gets people from Point A to Point B.

Your Segments and Segment Roadmap might include:

1. Pragmatist/Lower socioeconomic buyer with a short 2-5 block commute

2. Pragmatist/Lower socioeconomic with a longer cross-city commute

3. Middle class/status chaser with short 2-5 block commute

4. Middle class/status chaser with longer cross-city commute

5. Rich snob with short 2-5 block commute

6. Rich snob with longer cross-city commute

So what are you going to build?

1. Persona: Pragmatist/Lower socioeconomic buyer with a short 2-5 block commute -
Product Changes: Low cost simple scooter with short battery life

2. Persona: Pragmatist/Lower socioeconomic with a longer cross-city commute
Product Changes: Low cost simple scooter with longer battery life and some creature comforts

3. Persona: Middle class/status chaser with short 2-5 block commute
Product Changes: Mid cost simple scooter with longer battery life and nicer materials

4. Persona: Middle class/status chaser with a longer cross city commute
Product Changes: High cost scooter with long battery life and nicer materials

5. Persona: Rich snob with short 2-5 block commute
Product Changes: Super fancy scooter with long battery life and limited edition black on black packaging

6. Persona: Rich snob with longer cross city commute
Product Changes: A 2 person scooter that comes with a Chauffeur

For each of the above, there would also be GTM messages and tactics that align with the persona.

Hopefully, it's obvious that subsequent product versions naturally build on the previous versions with minor variations (E.g., a longer battery life on the same basic scooter).

You build each one, one after the other. You CAN'T do it all at the same time.

B2C is on the critical path

Added on by Chris Saad.

Dear Mr. B2C Founder,

Are you building something great for consumers that business buyers might like to buy and provide to their employees? Examples include wellness apps, transport apps, professional development apps, etc.

Chances are that some advisors, mentors, investors, or other misguided people are telling you to "switch" to B2B.

The thing that all those people don't understand is that those "B"s are just made up of "C"s.

In other words, businesses are just collections of people.

Those people want beautiful, effective, and easy-to-use products - just like every day "Consumers" do. They've been trained to expect great product experiences from Apple, Google, Canva, and more.

So, building an incredible consumer experience is on the critical path to building an incredible B2B product.

Once you've built the very best consumer product, then you can offer other businesses an opportunity to send a link to their employees to sign up.

Bonus tip: Avoid making your thing a) white label and b) hard to integrate.

In 2024, be optimistic

Added on by Chris Saad.

It seems that selling FUD is very popular and profitable these days.

I don’t buy it.

1. There ARE good ideas (best practices and considerations) that, if well applied, generally work and generally move the ball forward in terms of org design, culture, product innovation and success.

2. In most ways, the world is far safer and more productive than it’s ever been in history.

3. People and processes of far more adaptive and resilient than we generally imagine.

4. The world and the universe are fundamentally abundant. Scarcity tends to be rooted in a failure of imagination and/or a lack of political will.

Don’t let cynics and skeptics hold you back from greatness.

Surround yourself with, and hire, optimistic people. Broaden your vision. Act boldly. Take on the world.

In cross-functional squads, conflict is a feature, not a bug

Added on by Chris Saad.

The nice thing about cross functional squads is that people from a given function report to others (more senior) who share the same function and craft.

These fellow craftspeople have the skill and context to properly mentor, nurture, defend, review and ultimately promote or fire their juniors.

So in a battle between two different people from two different functions (each with two different perspectives and two different different jobs to get done), each come at the problem with equal footing, fully empowered to fight the fight and have the best idea win.

If they can’t come to a principled decision, it is natural and common for them to escalate to their managers - ostensibly two more senior craftspeople - to debate from a higher vantage point with more context and seniority.

The result is a healthy competition of ideas, and the escalation of differences of opinion, without one function dominating the others.

This, of course, does not mean that some functions are - by virtue of their role - not half a step ahead of the others and often play an outsized role in influencing outcomes and coordinating the other functions. Product and marketing are obvious examples.

Be careful to avoid adopting the “cross functional squads” model while undermining its biggest strengths. In this case the strength of empowered functional representatives each bringing their full power to the table combined with the power of escalation to surface weaknesses in context or difficult decisions that need careful attention.

Pro features for marketplaces

Added on by Chris Saad.

So you're a marketplace struggling to monetize or raise capital in your small market of B2B-obsessed VCs?

So you're thinking of creating a white-label version of your tech to help the incumbents in your industry - hoping you can make a little quick revenue and make your VC friends happy?


2. Remember that B2B is NOT easier, less risky, and less capital-intensive than B2C. Learn more.

2. Don't listen to the VCs. Explain why they're WRONG (if you don't know why - let's talk)

3. Instead, build BRANDED PRO features for your supply side - they make your marketplace more efficient, and you can even charge for some of them. Win/win. Think Instagram Creator tools, AirBnB Super Hosts etc.

Do you know how screwed you are?

Added on by Chris Saad.

The only thing worse than having too many focus areas and insufficient resources is...

Having too many focus areas and insufficient resources, and not KNOWING.

Be careful about planning and management tools that BURY cost, complexity, resource contention etc.

Find the pain. Solve for the pain.

Raise enough to win

Added on by Chris Saad.

Overheard at Silicon Valley networking event...

Founder to VC partner they just met: "We're raising a seed round of 1.5m to build Y"

VC to Founder: "That's too small. You should be raising 3m+. We don't want you to underestimate what it takes to win and wasting time having to go fundraise again too soon"

Can you imagine if your tech/VC ecosystem thought the same way?

This is why Silicon Valley wins.

Can it create an overinflated bubble powered by FOMO? Yes.

Does it also create the most valuable and impactful companies in the world (and massive returns for the top funds). Also yes.

As a VC and/or Founder, do you know what game you're playing?

It's a big boy (or girl) game of power laws and the first to network effects wins.

Raise and fund properly. Win. Or lose. But take your shot.

BIG MISTAKE: "We're just going to do this for a few customers..."

Added on by Chris Saad.

BIG MISTAKE: "We're just going to do this for a few customers..."

When thinking about staying focused and avoiding working on the wrong things for the wrong customers and use cases, it's better to have ZERO or a LOT.

People who admit distraction into their org will often argue, "Oh, this is just for one customer" or "We're only going to do this for a few people" - as if this is some kind of virtue.

Having "just a few" is the WORST of BOTH worlds.

You get all the requirements and distractions and none of the scale.

Do it. Or don't do it.

If you're going to do it, plan to SCALE it aggressively.

Digitizing Confusion

Added on by Chris Saad.

Does your product make your users and/or customers' lives easier/better/cheaper/faster - or is it just digitizing their confusion?

Productizing your marketing

Added on by Chris Saad.

Sometimes, a PMM can not just help market your products but can also productize your marketing.

Productized, repeatable, and scalable marketing is the key to exponential growth. It starts slow and then compounds over time.

If you're finding yourself doing too many ad-hoc marketing activities that feel disposable, ephemeral, and hard to optimize, measure, and maintain - consider how you can add more productization.

Maybe a great PMM can help.

Do you REALLY commit?

Added on by Chris Saad.

Have you heard the saying "Disagree and commit"?

This is a fundamental tenant of Silicon Valley culture.

It's an easy catchphrase that means that even if some people disagree, once the decision is made, everyone gets to work to make it work!

However, I've noticed that some companies have a culture of "Agreeing but failing to commit."

There are lots of soft "yes" and soft "maybe" that never translate to a change in vocabulary and execution in the org.

Make decisions. Make changes. Move on.

It doesn't matter how good you are - you're still screwed

Added on by Chris Saad.

The hardest thing in the world, it seems, is to a) take your own advice b) take it consistently over time.

This is why 3rd party advisors who ostensibly do what you do and know what you know - even if you're awesome - can be enormously helpful in keeping you honest in your business (and in your life!).

It's always deeply amusing to me when I speak to someone about a struggle in my own life or work and they remind me of an axiom that I teach to founders every. single. day.

It's a big face-palm moment.

Even if you think you know what you're doing... Pick your metaphor

- You can't read the bottle from the inside
- You can't understand the battle field when you're in the trenches
- You can't see the forrest for the trees.

Hitting your North Star growth metric

Added on by Chris Saad.

Tips for product-led scaleups with global ambitions to hit their North Star growth goals

1) Alignment and repeatability > short term tactical wins

Alignment is creating.a straight line across Business Strategy -> product strategy -> product marketing -> marketing -> sales -> partnerships (in that order)

Imagine each team pulling a large bolder in the same direction. It’s the only way to get a big job done.

This sets up your business for long term success through compounding outcomes (and therefore hockey stick curves)

2) Sell what you have

It may not be the perfect thing for every cohort, but selling what you have has multiple advantages…

a) You actually have it for customers to buy

b) It reduces thrash and confusion for product and engineering- allowing them to focus on creating polished and valuable products that speak for themselves

c) It shows the market continuous material improvement - even if not every cohort wants that very thing at that very moment

And so much more...

Note: There’s typically multiple ways to sell the same thing to different cohorts and across multiple campaigns across time.

3) You don’t need to win everything all at once.

You only need to satisfy enough people to get to the next stage of adoption/usage/sales.

Focus on one or a few niche cohorts at a time. Lay repeatable processes/messages/funnels and then move on to the next.

Just like product - if you try to do too much at the same time you’ll build nothing repeatable and scalable.

Any other tips? Leave them in the comments.

4 toxic traits of terrible founders and leaders

Added on by Chris Saad.

1. Overestimated sense of competence

They overrate their instincts and perspectives, leading to derailed processes and work product as they inject misguided ideas and methods into their team's work.

2. Fragile ego

Their hyperactive imposter syndrome and/or overestimated sense of competence means that they get upset at the slightest pushback. Any suggestion that they might not understand the problem or have missed an important perspective or detail might even lead to outbursts and rants.

3. Blaming others for their failings

Their exaggerated competence and fragile ego drive them to blame others for their own shortcomings. They might set the team up for failure with:

Lack of specificity and clarity

Lack of context

Lack of patience

Lack of discipline

When failure inevitably occurs, they refuse to acknowledge their own mistakes. Their limited understanding of processes and excellence leads them to disrupt and confuse the team, constantly changing their demands and causing inefficiency and frustration.

4. Inability for self-reflection and correction

Their overestimated competence, fragile ego and blaming others means that they will never look to themselves as the possible source of thrash and failure. Worse, they will reject anyone and anything that might help them improve their own behavior and, therefore, the output of their team.

It's impossible to help these kinds of founders because their toxic traits are the very same defense mechanisms that block self-reflection, coaching and improvement.


Can you name any other toxic traits? Share them in the comments below!

Permission to say NO!

Added on by Chris Saad.

One of the most valuable things you can do as a leader, is give your team permission to say NO.

I find you have to remind them every week.

No to distraction. No to feature creep. No to unfunded mandates. No to bad ideas.

No to ANYTHING that doesn’t get you to your Northstar as fast as possible.

Are you a bridgebuilder or a disruptor?

Added on by Chris Saad.

Are you a bridgebuilder or a disruptor?

It’s always so hard to help European founders understand the difference between building bridges and supporting incumbents vs driving Silicon Valley style disruption.

Even when they come to Silicon Valley, looking for smart money and venture scale outcomes, their head is still polluted with the scarcity and timidness of their European experience and cultural context.

Often they’ve tried a more direct and disruptive path, but they’ve been told over and over that it won’t work - so they come to Silicon Valley pre-compromised and afraid to return to the original vision.

This is why I have a lot of time for these kind of founders. I meet with them and try my best to nudge them along the journey of reconnecting with their original vision and making a dent in the universe.